About this genealogy website
This started as the genealogical site of the Wulgaert family name, identifying and connecting all living and historical persons with the Wulgaert name.
However, in the meantime the research has expanded, and while the focus remains the Wulgaert name, you will also be able to explore a full pedigree from the point of view of my daughters. So, all their ancestors in both male and female lineage. As such, the family tree section of this website also includes genealogical information on the following family names:
- Sonneville
- Duyck
- Vermeersch
- De Smet
- Stevens
- Van Doninck
- D'Joos
The list of family names of course doubles each generation.
You can explore all data and documentation collected by browsing the MacFamilyTree generated family tree. It will be regularly updated as research continues.
The pedigree covers at least 7 generations in every direction, and in some cases expands to more than 20 generations. Below is a visual representation of how the pedigree looked like on January 7, 2023 whereby the center is the youngest generation (i.e. my daughters), and every concentric circle represents a new generation (note: below illustrative view is limited to 16 generations). The upper left quadrant represents Wulgaert / Sonneville, the upper right Duyck / Vermeersch, the bottom left De Smet / Stevens, and the bottom right Van Doninck / D'Joos.