Wulgaert history
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Site history



Site history

This site exists since 2002, and got revamped in 2023. Below is a bit of history.

9 Mar 2025 New version of my genealogy software allowed me to create an improved version of the Explore section. There is now also a search function.
20 Jan 2025 Update to the branch illustration on the Wulgaert history page, as the Eeklo branch was missing.
28 Dec 2024 Improvements made to the website with amongst others an updated menu structure and updated contributors content.
26 Dec 2024 Major updates were made to the Duyck family tree by incorporating the input from respectively Els Duyck, Piet Kesteloot and Sergio Naessens. New people, new photos, new documents and new data were added for the current Duyck generation and their ancestors up until Petrus Duyck (°1842) and Ludovica Bert (°1843).
9 Sep 2024 Over the past months additional sets of documents (mostly birth, marriage and death records) of our Wulgaert ancestors were processed and added. This new massive update was the result of further incorporating the research documentation shared by Jurgen Wulgaert.
13 Jan 2024 A large set of documents (mostly birth, marriage and death records) of our Wulgaert ancestors were processed and added over the past few weeks. These documents also provided insights in other aspects of the lives of our ancestors, such as place of living, occupation, etc. This new massive update was the result of further incorporating the research documentation shared by Jurgen Wulgaert.
27 Aug 2023 Hundreds of new photos and documents of our Wulgaert ancestors were added over the past few weeks. This new massive update was the result of incorporating the research documentation of Jurgen Wulgaert (thanks Jurgen for sharing it).
Next to that I also incorporated my research work on a new source of digitized news papers I came across: beligicapress.be.
7 Jan 2023 It took a long time for this update. Due to work, family-life, other personal projects, etc., I did not have much time the last 16 years to continue the research. Luckily, others picked up where I left of (see here). Since 2020 I have been able to take time again to research the family tree (partly due to COVID-19 which provided me some extra time). And now I finally got around to also update the website. The update became a major one, and resulted in a completely new website. Most of the unmatched branches have now been attached to the main family tree. Also the family tree is no longer limited to the Wulgaert name alone, but also holds a pedigree from the point of view of my daughters. So, that means not only a Wulgaert-paternal-only lineage view, but also all maternal ancestors. And, as I started from my daughters, it means this research (and thus this website) also includes the paternal and maternal ancestors of my wife. The family tree now holds +6000 individuals.
26 Nov 2006 A second daughter, a lot work, a lot of travelling. Unfortunately, I did not have to much time this year to perform research or update the website. Hope 2007 will be better :-).
07 Jan 2006 Updates to multiple branches + adding some photos to the unmatched branches page. The updates were based on online research and based on input from Jo Van Wymeren-Heraly and Chris Sarnowski. Thanks Chris & Jo!!
02 Jan 2004 Thanks to Mike Hammen, I was able to complete and link some unmatched branches (previously indicated as the branches of Dominic, Cecelia, Charles, Edward and Alvina Wulgaert). This resulted in a new large unmatched branch (cf. Branch of Pierre Wulgaert) of 6 generations starting in Kluizen, Oost-Vlaanderen (Belgium) and ending in Wisconsin, US. Thank you very much for your contribution Mike!
30 Aug 2003 Three new unmatched branches have been added: Joanna Wulgaert born ca 1620, Judocus Wulgaert born ca 1600 and LÈopoldine Wulgaert born ca 1850. The branches of Joanne Wulgaert (born ca 1695) and Richard Wulgaert were updated.
04 Apr 2003 The recent adjustments in the unmatched branches are now also present in the full genealogy overview. The full genealogy now contains 267 persons. The error messages that were present in that overview are also cleared out now (apparently there exist some buffer problems in the GreatFamily software).
29 Mar 2003 Thanks to Philippe Bruggeman (via Patrick Tuytschaever) I was able to add more information in the unmatched branch of Jean (aka Joannes) Wulgaert. Thank you Patrick and Philippe!
09 Mar 2003 In my recent research I came across some new information; in the "Unmatched Branches" the family of Zacharius Wulgaert (ca 1605) has been added and other branches have been completed (Edward F Wulgaert, Alain Wulgaert).
06 Mar 2003 Unmatched branches that up to now were not present yet in my genealogy database have been added. As such their details are now also visible on the Full Genealogy page, extending that overview from 204 to 259 persons.
02 Mar 2003 On GenLias (www.genlias.nl), an online database containing a great part of the Dutch historic archives I found a reference to Peter Johannes de Mullewie, son of Petronella Theresia Wulgaert. The data has been added in the unmatched branches section.
27 Dec 2002 Further optimisation of the website + updating some of the links
24 Dec 2002 The design of the website has been optimised
14 Sep 2002 Thanks to Michael Wulgaert, I was able to complete and link some unmatched branches. This resulted in an unmatched branch of 4 generations starting in Belgium and ending in Wisconsin, US. Thanks for the help Michael!
16 Aug 2002 In my recent research I came across some new Wulgaert's, they have been added in the "Unmatched Branches" page (have been added: the families of Bernard, Rosalie and August). I also added a link to the Ellis Island website.
07 Aug 2002 In my recent research I came accross some new Wulgaert's, they have been added in the "Unmatched Branches" page (have been added: the families of Richard, Alfred Gustaaf, Alida, Alain, Paulina and Clarisse Leonie). I also took the time to finalise my "Links" page.
25 Apr 2002 A major update of the genealogy pages; a new structure with a home page, a new geographic page, adding the data out of my GEDCOM file on the website.
14 Apr 2002 The wulgaert.tk domain links to the genealogy pages + the origins of the Wulgaert name are added as well as an geographic overview of Oost-Vlaanderen and the places featuring in the family tree.
11 Apr 2002 The "family tree", "Christoffel to Tim" and the "unmatched branches" pages are put online
07 Apr 2002 Birth of the Wulgaert Genealogy Website